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‘Tis the season

posted in: Recipes

The holiday season is here, it’s dark and cold outside, and we spend more time inside, socializing with friends and family.

It’s the season to be jolly; and to spread influenza and other cold viruses.

Here are some of my favorite flu fighting remedies:

Herbal Chicken Broth

chicken stockHomemade Chicken Soup is a must in my flu fighting arsenal. I prepare a simple stock from my own chickens ahead of time, and freeze it to have on hand when needed.For store bought chicken, buy an organically raised, or a free range bird. Please choose not to purchase factory raised chickens.

To prepare the broth, simmer the whole chicken in water,  a large soup pot with a pinch of salt, a few whole peppercorns, a bay leaf, 1 celery stalk, and 1 carrot, for many hours on low heat. Strain the broth into freezer proof containers and freeze. The cooked chicken remains can be used in the preparation of other chicken dishes, and/or feed to your cats or dogs.

I keep the stock broth very simple with just a few ingredients, so that I can add more when I make the actual soup.

For flu fighting chicken soup I like to choose from the following selection:

  • culinary mushrooms, such as:  Shitake, Chanterelle, Lobster, Maitake, Bolete
  • seaweeds, such as: Nori, Wakame
  • herbs, such as: Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Bay, Sage
  • dried vegetable flakes
  • fresh vegetables: carrots, celery, onion, garlic, broccoli

Hot Water Flu Drink

I drink many of these throughout the day when I’m sick:

  • 1 cup of hot water
  • 1 tablespoon of Lemon or Lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

Stir and drink hot.

Sore Throat Gargle

  • gargle as much as possible with a strong sage tea infusion at the first onset of a sore throat. If you can handle it, add a dash of good quality salt to this. If you don’t have Sage herb on hand to make a tea, you can instead add 1-2 drops of Sage essential oil to 4 oz of hot water.

Cough Soother

Mix together:

  • 1 table spoon of Vegetable glycerine
  • 1 shotglass of good quality, 40% alcohol, such as Whiskey or Brandy
  • 1 shotglass of hot water
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh Lemon juice

Drink hot before you wish to go to sleep.

Tried and proven

Mom is right: It does help to wash your hands regularly, and to keep all commonly shared surfaces clean during flu season. Stay well!



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