Dried Teasel Root
Cut (un-sifted)
1.5 oz cut Teasel root fills one standard measuring cup
Genus: Dipsacus
Species: sylvestris (syn. follunum)
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Product Origin
Oregon, USA
Wild harvested in Oregon by collectors with decades of experience in properly identifying, collecting, drying and processing wild plants.
The permitted harvests are done in full compliance with all USDA Forest Service collection rules and regulations.
Teasel is classified as a noxious weed in Oregon, and the removal of Teasel plants is of benefit to the native plant population.
All surface areas of the Teasel plant are covered by thousands of small, sharp thorns, which makes digging up, and cleaning Teasel roots of dirt, a highly unpleasant, and laborious endeavor.
As a result dried teasel root is produced only in small quantities, is infrequently available, and fetches a high price.
To preserve all harvested plant material, our dried, cut Teasel root has not been sifted.
Teasel root is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to support Kidney and Liver function, and promote circulation.
Alcohol extracts of Teasel root are currently evaluated in studies for fighting Borrelia afzelii, the cause of Lyme disease.
The sticky, velcro like Teasel seed heads have traditionally been used to card wool, and as combs.
The ornamental, dried seeds heads are also used in floral arrangements, sometimes color spray painted.
Teasel is a biannual plant that is classified as a noxious weed in many parts of the world, including in the State of Oregon, US, where the roots we sell have been gathered.
Due to it's invasiveness the cultivation of Teasel is not recommended for the home gardener.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and is not a replacement for professional health advice.