Featured Products

Royal Hojari Frankincense | Brown | XL Tears
Large Royal Hojari Tears | Brown
De-luxe quality: each tear is like a jewel
Intensely aromatic
From Oman

KING OF ARABIA | Frankincense | BLACK AND GOLD | Ceremonial Blend
A noble black and gold blend of high quality Frankincense Resins with a delightful scent

KING OF PERSIA | Frankincense | Myrrh | AMBER and HONEY GOLDEN | Ceremonial Blend
A beautiful amber and honey golden blend of high quality Frankincense and Myrrh Resins with an earthy scent

KING OF INDIA | Frankincense | HONEY GOLDEN | Ceremonial Blend
A beautiful honey golden blend of high quality Frankincense Resins with a delightful scent

Royal Hojari Frankincense | White | XL Tears
X- Large Royal Hojari Tears | White
De-luxe quality: each large tear is like a jewel
Intensely aromatic
From Oman